
The healing that I give comes from God/Source/Love… how you now want to name this divine power! It does not go through my body but directly from the Source to You and can therefore be done just as well remotely. The healing knows exactly where to go and heals you exactly in the way that is for your Highest Good. Sometimes the healing also includes light language. It may happen that you heal some ailment, but it can also happen that you don't heal it during the healing session itself. Instead you get the instructions on how to work with yourself to heal it by yourself. All sickness or pain is one way for the body to communicate with you. It is not always so easy to understand what the body wants to tell you and I can help you achieve this.

The main purpose of StarHealing is to open up your heart chakra so that you can heal yourself more easily and give you guidance on how to do that. Some messages are direct advice on what you need to do or change in your life and others can be exercises to raise your energy level. The messages are very practical and clear. The StarHealing gives you a huge boost in your personal and spiritual development towards enlightenment.

What are you doing? 

If it takes place remotely, you make sure you have prepared a room that you are comfortable with and feel safe in. Make it cozy! Light some candles and if you like incense, spread it in the room. Feel free to lie down in a bed, you should feel nice and comfortable during the healing. The most important thing is that you lie down, then the healing works best. We are on the phone all the time so that you can hear me. 

If it takes place at my place at Månsagården, I have prepared how you will lie.

The healing session takes about 1.5 hours. First I heal for about 1 hour and then it is important that you are completely relaxed and just receive, then when the healing is over you have the opportunity to ask questions and talk about how your experience has been. You don't need to write down anything I say because I record everything on an audio file that you get afterwards. Immediately after the healing, you can easily feel a little dazed and it may not always be that you come up with any questions right then. If questions arise later you always have the option to contact me afterwards. I'm happy to answer questions!

How do I do then? 

I am asking my Divine Team (my guides) and my Higher Self to get connected with your Divine Team (your guides) and your Higher Self. I am very careful about cleaning the energy both around me and around the client. By me doing this we are always completely protected from lower energies. When I feel that the connection is open, the healing can begin. In the meantime the healing comes I get messages about how you can work on yourself in order to heal. I go through all of the chakras, one at a time, and convey the messages associated with each chakra. After this, your chakras are completely cleansed.