My main passion in life is to develop myself and grow as a person and to help others to do the same. I've never gotten caught up so much in other leisure interests, but it's always just been about self-development. The question I often ask myself is: What will be my next step in order for life to feel joyful and fantastic, but at the same time also challenging and educational?

In the fall of 2022, I took a course in healing and channeling with Andora Rose in Uppsala, Sweden. I received my certification as a complete healer and started my company starhealing in January 2023. Although I have previously worked with coaching people, this work that I do now through healing has made it incredibly much more interesting, rewarding and exciting! I find that the healing that I give and the methods and tips that I am guided to tell the clients are much more effective and heal them in a deeper way than the methods I have previously used to help people. 

My spiritual journey began when I was 24 years old and was traveling in India for 4 months. There I attended two meditation courses (Vipassana). After this I felt that I got in touch with my true self, the love within myself, and it became easier for me to follow my intuition. Life since then has contained lots of different lessons and I have had the privilege of learning pieces of wisdom from various inspiring teachers along the way. To name a few of these inspiring and educational events, I have taken a total of 8 Vipassana courses, went to personal therapy, danced liberating dance, cried a lot, faced my fears, read many spiritual books, attended an education at Humanova, met my soulmate and got married, gave birth to 2 children, trained as a yoga teacher in India, listened to many different spiritual teachers on YouTube, been on two spiritual retreats and worked as a teacher in mathematics and psychology.

When I’m not working as a healer or a teacher I love to be in nature! I feel very connected to trees and the sea. I live on a peninsula, Onsala, which is 30 km south of Gothenburg. There is an incredible amount of beautiful nature here, for example forests, meadows, cliffs and beaches, and it's never far from the sea.

I also love to be with my family, my dog Aslan, my friends and just to be at home in my beautiful old house Månsagården.

Images of Aurora Star from Starhealing Dancing Smiling and meditation by the coast in Sweden, Healing, Coaching, Light Language
Aurora Stars Starhealing logo, Ascension Guide, Healing, Light Language
AuroRa Star dancing by the coast, Starhealing, Healing, Enlightenment, Göteborg, Sweden


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