
If you are interested in a coaching session, it is important that you have done a healing session with me first. In the healing session you get the tools you need to start working with yourself in a very effective way. During the coaching session, we talk further about how you can continue on your journey towards ascension and use these tools. Maybe you have questions about an exercise that you got from me, but didn't  really understand, or you wonder which of all the advice you should prioritize focusing on? You can simply ask anything related to your personal development.

How do I do then? 

I am asking my Divine Team (my guides) and my Higher Self to get connected with your Divine Team (your guides) and your Higher Self. I am very careful about cleaning the energy both around me and around the client. By me doing this we are always completely protected from lower energies. When I feel that the connection is open, the coaching can begin.

What are you doing? 

If it takes place remotely, you make sure you have prepared a room that you are comfortable with and feel safe in. Make it cozy! Light some candles and if you like incense, spread it in the room. Sit down comfortably. If you have prepared some questions, have them in front of you. You don't need to write down anything I say because I record everything on an audio file that you get afterwards.

Investment in yourself: 44 euro (SEK 444)
45 minutes
Swedish or English